From the moment we got off the plane, there was a sense of wonder among the group. Stepping out of the airport, I was surprised by the tropical feel of the air and in the trees/bushes. A rush of feelings overcame me, other than exhaustion from the long travel (I left Anchorage at 7:30 AM on Monday, and arrived in Rabat around 3PM on Tuesday). Β Being in a new environment can be overwhelming and intimidating, but also provides a sense of wonderment and curiosity. Here, the adventure begins.

These are legs of cows and are boiled to get the meat off. This was something I didn’t expect to see. I thought they were pig legs, but was informed that pig is not consumed in Moroccan culture.

Morocco is very proud of it’s heritage and religion. This can be found painted on a variety of surfaces.

Littering, I am told by a local teacher, is a major environmental concern here in Rabat, especially in the center of the city.

Much like other parts of the world, there is a problem with trash on the streets. This is quite interesting as Moroccans are known to have immaculately clean homes. There is a current movement to teach the need for clean and healthy environments.

The designs and colors of Moroccan art are so rich and vibrant. There are many large murals and paintings on the walls.

These fun carts that are pulled behind motorcycles are new to Morocco within the last 5 years. I think they are super cute!

Olives are purchased from these buckets. The olives here are amazing and like nothing I have ever tasted, with so much flavor.

These stalls are located in the Medina (city center and shopping area) where locals can rent out and create textiles (items out of fabric)

Stray cats are abundant in Morocco.

Vibrant blues are all around the medina and add a sense of richness, even with the crumbling of the walls.

Sometimes, a picture tells a story and sometimes, expressions tell that there are many stories within the lives captured.

The smell of fresh fried bread is a common occurrence while walking down the streets of Morocco.

Eggs are not refrigerated and are really fresh. Interesting how in America, we do things to the eggs that make them needing to be kept cold or they go bad.

Bread can often be found on a shelf, like you see here. This is an uncommon sight for American food locations.

This is a butcher shop, where meat is purchased. I am told by a local teacher that it is best to buy meat from here than from the Medina (like the picture of the cow legs)
This sign informs us that you cannot park here unless you work for the school. Arabic is such a beautiful language!

What a fun sight to see going down the road. What I really like about being in a different culture is that you always see things that are so different from what we are used to. When it comes to transportation, there are a lot of cars and vehicles I have never seen. More to come later!

Oranges are available quite readily and these bags are a creative way to showcase.
Hey ms.carton do the kids there play American football
I don’t think so actually!
Hi mrs carton how are you doing…I just have a question have you ever seen a public library?
We drove by one public library, and people pay a small fee to get books from there, but I didn’t go inside. I don’t think libraries are as common as they are for us in the states.
Hi Mrs.Carton how are you… I hope you have great time over there…but I just have I question…have you seen a public or a school library.hope you have a good time
I have seen both a public school and private school library. The libraries are quite small in comparison. I did a blog post today even about the library at the private school. You will have to see it! There are pictures too.
Have you tasted gazelles?
I have not, but I do know they hunt for them. I am told they are like deer. Butm the population is declining from over hunting and forests being cut down (deforestation).
Do you like about morocco
Everything! See all my blog posts. Recently, I love the wedding dresses
You really rode on a camel?
I really did. I got tricked into doing it! The camel was sweet though
what kinds of flowers are in morocco? πΊπ·πΈ
What animal do they have? π¬π¨π
Taten, wha animals do you have there that you can have as a pet?
Mostly dogs, cats, hamsters, and birds, oh, and snakes
What does there “winter” look like in Morocco
Winter seems to look a lot like summer does for us. Cool and chilly at night, decent during the day, although it doesn’t rain much here.
what kinds of flowers are in morocco? πΊπ·πΈ
What animal do they have? π¬π¨π
The flowers are so beautiful and you can smell them everywhere since it is spring time. Lillies and roses are the most common and there are several that I don’t know the name of. I haven’t seen many animals, honestly. I think that deforestation has played a role in that.
Christian’s class asked do they have parks with playground equipment?
Do they have a zoo?
Do they have flower gardens?
Do they have any eagle type birds there?
Hi students! Here in Agadir, Morocco they do not have a zoo, but that have a crocodile park and a bird sanctuary, both created to help save the animals and bring them back. A lot of the animals that are originally from here, like lions, gazelles, and wild horses and goats, have since left because of over hunting and lack of natural resources for them (like forests and fresh water). There are great efforts happening here to help save the animals and the earth. They passed a law here removing plastic bags from shops and stores. I have not seen a flower garden, but I see beautiful wild red lilies everywhere I go. I will post pictures of those. I have not seen any eagles at all and the Moroccan students were fascinated by our eagles. I do see pigeons a lot and seagulls love to squawk in the morning and swoop small fish out of the marina! I love your questions, keep asking more!
What is the crocodile park like
I didn’t actually make it to the crocodile park. We spent a lot of time in schools and giving presentations about where we live. Students had a lot of questions and made a lot of art for Alaskan students.
Why don’t they eat pigs in Morocco?
Do they have mountains with reindeer in Morocco?
It is part of the islamic religion that no part of the pig is eaten or used. Pigs are considered to be dirty not pure (dirty) animals, which is a view in many parts of the world actually. There are no reindeer in Morocco, the closest animal is gazelle and they can be found in the Atlas Mountains.
Are you having a good time. My heart β€οΈ is racing to get on Skype with youππ€πΉπΊπ
I am having a great time. Sorry I won’t be able to Skype with you, but I will be back this week! And will share all my experiences with you.
Are you having a good time. My heart β€οΈ is racing to get on Skype with youππ€πΉπΊπ
So sorry it didn’t work out because the connection wouldn’t work. I have lots to share on the blogs though!
Like the desings
Thanks! Me too! Keep watching for more to come
Do people play sports
Absolutely! The love football (American soccer) and I see them playing on the beach, at the school, in the parks. Lots of students love playing basketball and volleyball. Some students also do dance. There is a popular sport here called “handball”, but I haven’t got to see it yet. People love to ride bikes also!